Jerry Maurer - May 31, 2020
Anyone for a Selfie?
Scripture References: Daniel 4:1-37
From Series: "Stand Alone Sermons"
Messages given by other Elders, guest speakers, and messages that are without a series.
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CloseIn the world we live in we are very self-centered, very self-focused it's all about me. What can I get? How fast can I get it? If it hurts somebody else, it doesn't matter. It's all about what can we get for ourselves. Basically it comes down to I want it when I want it how I want it the way I want it, and nobody better get in the way of that. All of us struggle with selfish ambition and pride. What is the answer for the Christian to live a life without pride?
Scripture References: Daniel 4:1-37
From Series: Stand Alone Sermons | More Messages from Jerry Maurer | Download Audio
Messages given by other Elders, guest speakers, and messages that are without a series.